Providing Food, Shelter, and Clothing to People in Need

The foundation’s advocacy efforts have been successful in achieving a number of positive outcomes. For example, the foundation has helped to increase access to education for children living in poverty, and it has helped to improve access to healthcare for people with disabilities. The foundation is committed to continuing its advocacy efforts to ensure that all people have the opportunity to live healthy and productive lives.

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Sakaja Foundation Medical Care Program

The foundation provides medical care to people who are unable to afford it. The foundation provides medical care to people who are struggling with chronic illnesses, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. The foundation also provides medical care to people who have been injured in accidents or who have other medical needs.

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Governor Sakaja Supports 20 Girls at State House Girls School

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja paid an impromptu lunch visit to State House Girls School on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. During the visit, Sakaja interacted with the students and listened to their aspirations and dreams. He was impressed by the students’ determination to get an 8.2 average this year. Sakaja also announced that he would be supporting an additional 20 girls who have fees challenges by paying their entire year’s fees.

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