Governor Johnson Sakaja Assents to Nairobi City County Finance Bill 2023, Paving the Way for Enhanced Service Delivery and Fiscal Responsibility

 Governor Sakaja Johnson has assented to the Nairobi City County Finance Act 2023.

The Nairobi City County Finance Act 2023, the first comprehensive amendment to the charges and levies in Nairobi City County in the last five years, paves the way for enhanced service delivery, openness, accountability, and equity in taxation, and increased revenue collection to finance key priority projects.


The County Government will hereafter publish a comprehensive schedule of all fees and charges contained in this Act and previous Finance Acts in one document for ease of reference by Nairobians.

Members of the Nairobi City County Assembly unanimously passed the Bill on Thursday 12th October 2023, reflecting a unified commitment to the County’s growth and development agenda.

The Finance Act, which was subject to extensive public participation process involving over 17 consultations in every sub-County, garnered resounding support from the city’s residents.

The valuable input received during public participation influenced amendments to the proposed Act and adjusted certain charges and levies in the county. Several charges were also reduced after public participation, while a few others were maintained.

Speaking after he assented to the Bill, Governor Sakaja expressed confidence that the new Act would significantly benefit the people while also enabling the County to undertake key priority projects.

“The Finance Act 2023 is good for the County Government and also good for the residents. We gathered valuable insights during this public engagement process. These insights played a vital role in shaping the Bill, resulting in certain charges being increased, reduced, or maintained, aligning them with the interests and needs of both the public and the County Government,” Governor Sakaja said.

The Nairobi City County Finance Bill 2023 aims to introduce openness, accountability, and equity in taxation while expanding revenue sources, addressing environmental issues, and enhancing service delivery.

Some of the Key highlights of the Nairobi City County Finance Act 2023 include:

  • Market stalls: We initially proposed 30% levies and charges on the market stalls. However, after public participation, the charges were revised to a moderate 10% increment.
  • Alcoholic drinks and licensing: The proposal to raise charges on alcoholic drinks and licensing was adopted to help control the number of drinking outlets across the County.
  • City inspectorate: The impounding charges were retained in some areas and reduced in others to drive compliance.
  • Outdoor advertisement and signage: We increased application fees for outdoor advertising.
  • Physical planning, land, and housing: We had proposed to increase rent by 25% but following consultations we have only increased by 10%.
  • Public health services: We had initially proposed new charges on Reproductive health but, during the public participation, the public expressed their views and we heard and maintained and reduced some of the charges.
  • Market services: We had proposed to increase charges but following the recommendations we have retained the old charges.
  • Parking. The new law introduces new parking zones that are well defined, with new charges introduced for the registration of taxis and boda-bodas.
  • Alternative Provision of Basic Education and Training (APBET) Schools we have reduced their annual fee from Ksh10,000 to Ksh3,000 which can be paid every term.

Governor Sakaja committed to prudent financial management and assured Nairobi residents that the anticipated Kshs.20 billion in own-source revenue would be applied prudently for strategic development purposes.

The focus will be on the development of stadiums, the school feeding program, medical facilities, and the creation of employment opportunities, including the Green Army.

The Nairobi City County Finance Act 2023 demonstrates the dedication of the County Government to responsibly manage financial resources and prioritize initiatives that directly impact the lives of its residents.

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